Publishing can be daunting.

Most traditional publishers won’t consider your work without a literary agent, and finding one to even consider your work is a time-consuming and complex process. Self-publishing can be overwhelming for authors who must handle editing, formatting, and marketing on their own. Many other companies publish your work but only if you pay them up front (they don’t care how many books you sell, they make money by charging you directly). Nearly all of these varied services neglect to market or promote your work, leaving authors with low sales and a pitiful return on their investment.

We’re changing that.

Don’t let the hassle of self-publishing or working with traditional publishers stop you from pursuing your vision. We are KeyPoint Press, the book publisher that makes publishing easy. Whether you need editing, design, distribution, or marketing, we have you covered. We work with you every step of the way to ensure your book aligns with your vision and reaches your audience. And the best part is, you keep 100% of the copyright while earning royalties on your work. No upfront or hidden fees, no hassle. Just quality service and support. Ready to get started? Contact us today and let’s get started on your project.

Let us help you publish your creative best.

We are excited to collaborate with you, to help you reach your full potential as an important voice in the global marketplace of ideas.

Our team will guide you every step of the way and help you to achieve your goal of becoming a published author with a worldwide audience.

“We deliver value to content creators by giving them the opportunity to share their ideas globally, with the best royalty rates in the industry.”

— Jay Tamsett, Managing Editor

Contact us.
(720) 772-1860

1942 Broadway Street, Suite 314C
Boulder, CO 80302