Change the world with your words.

Let’s work together.


Let us help you bring your idea to life.

We would love to hear from you and learn about your idea. We’ll work with you to understand how your idea will benefit, engage, and inform our readers.


We’ll invite you to send a simple prospectus.

Once we get to know you, we’ll ask for a few more details to help you think more deeply about your project and develop a tailored plan unique to your preferences and needs.


We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Our plan is to showcase your work to a global audience. We’ll help you achieve your goals because we are in the business of publishing possibilities.  It’s time to take the next step.

"Our company covers all necessary upfront expenses for content evaluation, editing, publishing, management, marketing, and distribution."

— KeyPoint Press, an author’s best friend

Our difference.

We are an independent publishing house that offers authors a highly advantageous value proposition. Our royalty rates are the most competitive in the market, ensuring that authors receive fair compensation for their hard work.

Other publishing methods:

  • Traditional publishers assume upfront costs and overhead (e.g., editing and distribution) and recoup those expenses by keeping up to 90% of revenues, sharing only 10% of royalties with authors. Nearly all traditional publishers require authors to work through a literary agent, who also requires a share of royalties, making this path to publication challenging for authors who may have world-changing ideas but can’t find a way to easily publish their manuscripts in a timely or cost-beneficial way.

  • Self-publishing is a popular choice for many authors who want to maximize their royalties and who don’t want to give away all of their hard-earned potential revenue to publishers and literary agents. This option lacks the benefits of producing high-quality work through a robust network of qualified independent reviewers, professional editors and copyeditors, as well as marketing and sales experts to promote your work. Self-publishing is extremely time-consuming, and 100% of the burden is on authors to prepare and copyedit their own manuscripts. Most authors don’t have the skills or time to adequately prepare their manuscripts for publication, let alone navigate the complexity of how to publish, distribute, and promote their books to maximize sales.

  • Authors using third-party publishing consulting services pay all costs out of pocket (review, editing, revision, proofreading, layout, and cover art) and charge you typically an extremely high fixed fee to publish and distribute your work (can be thousands of dollars). Don’t confuse “distribution” with “promotion” - distribution just means that your work is available online or in bookstores. Promotion means proactive marketing of your work to specific market segments to maximize sales. These kinds of “services” often fall short of helping authors to produce quality products. There is a lot of variability and risk in the market for choosing a reputable service.

Our Services

  • At no upfront cost to you, we work closely with authors to help them curate their ideas to high-quality publications.

  • KeyPoint Press publishes original, creative content in multiple media, including electronic and print formats, as well as optional audiobooks.

  • Unlike most other publishers, we pay careful attention to how your work is marketed to a global audience to maximize sales and ensure you develop a broad reader base.

  • We are unique in our service to authors, helping you to reach your full potential. Think of KeyPoint Press as your personal assistant, guiding and coaching you to success every step of the way.

Create the future.

Publish with KeyPoint Press.