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by Dr. Martin Gallagher

Many individuals in terrorist groups pursue personal gains through organized crime, such as drug trafficking and murder. They leverage their past notoriety and collaborate with rogue states to engage in illicit activities. This represents a new wave of terrorism that requires our attention.….LEARN MORE

by Dr. Russ Glenn

Massive challenges confront Ukrainian national and urban leaders as the country recovers from the war’s devastation. How Ukrainian leaders respond in the coming months and years will shape the character of urban populations and the urban areas in which they live for decades…LEARN MORE

by Dr. John P. Sullivan, Dr. Nate P. Jones, and Dr. Daniel Weisz Argomedo, Eds.

This book explores urban security, from high-intensity crime to large-scale combat operations, and the complexities of urban combat in an increasingly urbanized world. Urban warfare and its evolving challenges, emphasizing the necessitate innovation in urban security approaches.…..LEARN MORE

US-China Relations

by Dr. Derek Levine

Xi Jinping has vowed to put China on a path towards restoring its rightful position as the most dominant power within the international system. In order to realize this goal, it must prepare for a direct confrontation with the United States, the only remaining great power standing in the way of its national interests.….COMING SOON!