Publication Ethics.

KeyPoint Press is dedicated to following best practices on all ethical matters, errors, and retractions. Preventing publication malpractice is one of the important responsibilities of the editors of KeyPoint Press.

Any kind of unethical behavior is not acceptable, and KeyPoint Press does not tolerate plagiarism in any form. Authors submitting any ideas, concepts, or other written material—including abstracts and manuscripts—to KeyPoint Press affirm that the contents are original and contain no fraudulent data. Furthermore, they warrant that the contents have neither been published elsewhere in any language fully or partly nor is it under review or consideration for publication anywhere else.

To ensure the integrity of our publications and to ensure we achieve our aim of providing readers with accurate, reliable, and relevant information of the highest quality, KeyPoint Press works closely with authors and editors to promote adherence to the core principles of publication ethics as articulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). We encourage further exploration of COPE’s resources on their website. All forms of manuscripts, archival materials, and supporting files (to include but not limited to interviews, images, data, infographics, audio and video) shared with KeyPoint Press are expected to conform to the standards of ethical behavior promulgated by COPE.

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Ethical Publishing

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  4. No plagiarism, no fraudulent data: KeyPoint Press is committed to only publishing manuscripts that are free from any plagiarism and that contain no fraudulent data.  Unethical publication practices are not tolerated by KeyPoint Press