Submission Guidelines.

Authors should submit their questions, concepts, and short abstracts via the contact form on the KeyPoint Press website. The KeyPoint Press editorial staff will review and respond to inquiries and provide feedback as appropriate. Manuscripts should only be submitted upon invitation by KeyPoint Press. Authors are required to conform to the KeyPoint Press Submission Guidelines in order to receive publication consideration.  KeyPoint Press will return any manuscript that does not conform to the Submission Guidelines. 

Manuscript Style

KeyPoint Press will provide authors with detailed style requirements if invited to submit a manuscript and accompanying abstract and prospectus.

Basic Formatting Requirements

  • Microsoft Word. Authors must prepare and submit manuscripts in Microsoft Word format. Do not submit manuscripts in PDF format.

  • References. Insert citations in your manuscript using the Microsoft Word function from the References tab. Authors should locate endnotes at the end of the document, using Microsoft Word’s endnote function, Hindu-Arabic numbers such as 1, 2, 3 in a superscript position at the end of sentence punctuation.

  • Justification. Manuscripts should be left justified, with a ragged right margin.

  • Line spacing. Manuscripts must be single-spaced. Please do not double-space.

  • Sentence spacing. There must only be one space between sentences, not two.

  • Paragraphs. Insert a single line space between each new paragraph. Left justify all paragraphs. Do not use indents or tabs. A paragraph is at least three (3) sentences (beginning, middle, and end).

  • Font: Please compose your manuscript in Tmes New Roman, 12-point font. 

  • Margins. Manuscripts should have 1” inch margins on the Left and Right, and 1” margins on the top and bottom of the page.

  • Punctuation. Use the Oxford serialized comma (for example he likes art, science, and literature). Periods and other punctuation must appear inside of quotations (in other words “at the end of a sentence like this.”). Endnotes must always appear at the end of the sentence following all punctuation and quotes (for example “endnotes go at the end of a sentence following punctuation and quotation marks like this.”1 Start the next sentence after one space.  

Substantive and Structural Guidelines

KeyPoint Press seeks expert analyses from authors that are well-reasoned using carefully researched arguments that expand and improve discourse on important issues concerning: Geopolitics, strategy, security, history, and current affairs. There are hundreds and potentially thousands of related topics to these general focus areas that KeyPoint Press will consider on a case-by-case basis.

  • Manuscripts should encourage readers to think about a subject in a new light, provide an assessment of new developments, or add substantive knowledge to the existing literature.

  • KeyPoint Press does not accept undocumented opinion pieces or descriptive papers that fail to provide new insights on an issue.