Proposal Guidelines.

Authors should submit their questions, concepts, and short abstracts via the contact form on the KeyPoint Press website. The KeyPoint Press editorial staff will review and respond to authors with feedback. 

Authors should only submit proposals and manuscripts upon invitation.

If you are invited to submit a proposal, please adhere to the following instructions.

Proposals should be at most two pages in length, prepared in a Word document. A complete proposal will answer the following questions:

  • What is your central thesis? What is your book about? We are looking for your ability to clearly communicate your vision as succinctly as possible.

  • Why is this topic important to you?  Describe the origins of your passion for the subject and why you believe it is relevant and of interest to others.

  • Who is your target audience?  Detail whom you think the primary audience is and why you believe this.

  • Why should people read this book? Think about what problem it solves, or what issue it is bringing to light. What insights does it offer? Why is it timely and important? You should be able to answer these questions in a compelling way that will make readers want to pick up the book.

  • How does your book idea fill a gap in the existing literature? Articulate the market for this book by creating a short list of similar books. How many people do you believe are interested in this topic? 

  • Who are you, the author?  Describe your credentials and expertise on the topic, and what makes you the right person to write this book. Establish your credibility and authority. 

  • How will you help reach your target audience? What is your platform? Share your ideas for how to best market and promote the book. 

Our goal is to help make your book valuable and successful. By answering these questions in a limited space, you are helping to convince us that you can write a book that is clear, concise, and persuasive. KeyPoint Press seeks to publish books that are easily accessible to a wide readership, are relatively short (between 20,000 words), and are enjoyable to read. These attributes will increase the probability of your success. 

Share your idea with us today and let’s get started!