Urban Operations:
War, Crime, and Conflict

Urban Operations: War, Crime, and Conflict

Eds. John P. Sullivan, Nathan P. Jones, Daniel Weisz Argomedo
Copyright 2024-2025

421 pages
Published August 20, 2024
by KeyPoint Press
Boulder, Colorado

This informative book could not be more timely”

— Brian M. Jenkins, Senior Adviser to the President of the RAND Corporation

An Association of the US Army (AUSA) book
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This volume, Urban Operations: War, Crime, and Conflict started as a special issue on Urban Security at the Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 16, No., 3 (2023). It brings together new contributions from top scholars and practitioners to augment the content of the special issue and provide a comprehensive look at modern and historic urban security operations.

It is difficult to imagine a timelier contribution to the academic and practitioner literature on urban security. Global news has been rife with urban security issues, with the top headlines covering the Gaza war in response to the Hamas terrorist attack of October 7th and Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, which in its initial phase tried and failed to take the urban center Kyiv.

The world's leading experts in urban warfare, urban security, and urban operations generously share their experiences and insights with readers in this unique anthology. Urban Operations explores key events shaping our understanding of urban security and provide valuable strategic lessons to better prepare for the growing threat of conflict in urban areas.

This volume seeks to compile cases of urban warfare throughout different regions and decades to expose the ever-increasing trends of urban conflict and expose the complexities of urban combat in an increasingly urbanized world. It also provides lessons learned and makes theoretical contributions in areas such as urban warfare, urban conflict and non-state actors, emergency response to urban terror, artificial intelligence (AI) and data processing, and urban security.

Table of Contents, About the Author, Critics Reviews


    • Abstracts

    • Preface: The Battles of the Past Shape the Wars of Tomorrow
      by Jayson Geroux and John Spencer

    • Introduction: Urban Operations: War, Crime, and Conflict
      by John P. Sullivan, Nathan P. Jones, and Daniel Weisz Argomedo


    • Chapter 1: Urban Security: From High-Intensity Crime to Large-Scale Combat Operations and Everything in Between
      by John P. Sullivan, Nathan P. Jones, and Daniel Weisz Argomedo

    • Chapter 2: Civil Affairs in Antwerp 1944-1945: Critical Infrastructure and Civil Defense
      by Louise Tumchewics

    • Chapter 3: Urban Disaster Wrought by Man: The Battle for Manila, 1945
      by Russell W. Glenn

    • Chapter 4: Virtual Urban Siege: Modern Urban Siege and Swarming in Culiacán 2019 & 2023
      by Daniel Weisz Argomedo, Nathan P. Jones, and John P. Sullivan

    • Chapter 5: Implementing NIMS: Lessons Learned from the Boston Marathon Bombing
      by James M. Duggan, John Petrozzelli, and Jay Slattery

    • Chapter 6: Urban Warfare: The Recent Israeli Experience
      by Nadav Morag

    • Chapter 7: Artificial Intelligence and Urban Operations
      by Anthony King

    • Chapter 8: Wide Area Motion Imagery and the Colonial Antecedents of Surveillance
      by Dinesh Napal

    • Chapter 9: The Battles of Hue: Understanding Urban Conflicts through Wargaming
      by David J.H. Burden

    • Chapter 10: Why Cities Fail: The Urban Security Crisis in Ecuador
      by Jorge Mantilla, Carolina Andrade, and Maria Fe Vallejo

    • Chapter 11: The Political Trajectory of Urban Violence: Organized Crime in Michoacán’s Apatzingán
      by Fausto Carbajal

    • Chapter 12: NATO’s path to addressing Urban and Urban Littoral Operations
      by Alex Case and Gordon Pendleton

    • Chapter 13: Subterranean Operations
      by Andrew Craig

    • Chapter 14: Creating Light at Tunnel’s End: Ukraine’s Post-war Urban Recovery
      by Russell W. Glenn

    • Chapter 15: Black Shabbat: Learning Lessons from the Urban Battles of October 7th
      by Jacob Stoil

    • Chapter 16: Civilian Protection in Urban Operations: Legal and Policy Approaches
      by Sahr Muhammedally

    • Postscript: The Future of Urban Operations in Context
      by David Kilcullen


    • Appendix One: Book Reviews

    • Appendix Two: Book Review Essay

    • Appendix Three: Acronyms


  • Dr. John P. Sullivan retired as a lieutenant with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. He is an Instructor in the Safe Communities Institute, University of Southern California. He has a PhD from the Open University of Catalonia, an MA from the New School for Social Research, and a BA from the College of William and Mary. He received a lifetime achievement award from the National Fusion Center Association in November 2018 for his contributions to the national network of fusion centers. He is an instructor in the 40th Infantry Division Urban Warfare Planners Course and a Member of the Urban Violence Research Network (UVRN) and the Network of Experts at the Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime (GI-TOC).

    Dr. Nathan P. Jones is an Associate Professor of Security Studies in the College of Criminal Justice at Sam Houston State University. He is the author of Mexico's Illicit Drug Networks and the State Reaction (2016) with Georgetown University Press. His areas of interest include organized crime violence in Mexico, social network analysis, border security, and the political economy of homeland security. Dr. Jones is also a Senior Fellow with the Small Wars Journal–El Centro, a Rice University Baker Institute Drug Policy and US-Mexico Center non-resident scholar, and the book review editor for the Journal of Strategic Security.

    Dr. Daniel Weisz Argomedo earned his PhD in Political Science at the University of California Irvine with a focus on International Relations and Comparative Studies. His dissertation focused on the war on drugs and its impact on women’s security in Mexico. He holds an M.A. in Political Science from San Diego State University where he wrote a dissertation on ‘Hacktivism and social movements; and earned a B.A. in Political Science from the University of Alberta where he wrote a thesis on the Mexican war on drugs. He wrote “Climate Change, Drug Traffickers and La Sierra Tarahumara” for the special issue on climate change and global security at the Journal of Strategic Security. He is fluent in Spanish and his research interests include cyberwarfare, the environment, the war on drugs, women’s security and contemporary Latin American politics and history.

  • “This informative book could not be more timely…this volume addresses…the complex challenges seen today in Ukraine, Haiti, Venezuela, Gaza, and in places that will feature in tomorrow’s headlines.”

    — Brian M. Jenkins, Senior Adviser to the President of the RAND Corporation

    Urban Operations: War, Crime, and Conflict is essential reading for academics, policy makers, and security professionals alike.”

    — Sean Costigan, PhD, Professor, Transnational Security Studies, George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies

    “Required reading for all those interested in understanding the dominant military environment of the twenty-first century!”

    — Louis A. DiMarco, PhD, Professor, Department of Military History, USA Command and Staff College

    “A most timely and valuable repository of knowledge about urban warfare.”

    — Vanda Felbab-Brown, PhD, Director, Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors;
    Co-Director, Africa Security Initiative; Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy; The Brookings Institution

    “This is a must read for professionals and all those interested in the modern face of war.”

    — Professor Michael A. Hennessy, PhD, Head, Defence Studies, Canadian Forces [Higher Command] College

    “…an unparalleled exploration of modern urban warfare, blending historical insights with cutting-edge analyses.”

    — Dr. Jorge Lasmer, Professor of International Relations, The Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), Brazil

    “…a must-read for scholars with a keen interest in irregular warfare.”

    —Dr. Alexandra Phelan, Lecturer in Politics and International Relations, Monash University and author of The Combination of All Forms of Struggle: Insurgent Legitimation and State Response to FARC(Columbia University Press)

    “This excellent collection builds knowledge in a key area and will be of great value and interest to both academics and practitioners in the field.”

    — Dr. Rashmi Singh, Professor of International Relations, The Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas), Brazil and Associate Editor, Perspectives on Terrorism

    Urban Operations’is an essential resource for military leaders and national security professionals.”

    — BG Rob Wooldridge, Deputy Commanding General for Operations, 40th Infantry Division, California Army National Guard

Urban Operations:

War, Crime, and Conflict