The Controversial Guide on How to Get Started Writing a Book

Writing a book is a daunting task, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. If you have specialized knowledge or insights about a particular topic, you need to write it down to share with others. Don't be intimidated to start writing. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. First, choose your subject matter. Too many authors get stuck by thinking about too many ideas at once. Pick one subject and write it down in one sentence. Leave it alone and come back later. Do you have ideas surrounding this topic that you can write about? If not, expand the sentence or write a new one. 

  2. Don’t worry about writing an outline – yet. Many authors get stuck trying to write a complete outline of their book right from the start. What’s wrong with this?  It can create a deficit in your thinking that you must have all the structure worked out in advance. Sometimes, it is better to create a word map where you start connecting different ideas together around a central theme.  You can write out an outline later when you’re asked to submit a book proposal.   

  3. Start doing only a little research. It may be helpful if you get into the habit of doing a little bit of writing each day. Maybe start with three sentences.  As you go, start adding citations to reference sources. Your reference library and research plan are essentially being built as you go. You can thoroughly read these reference sources later as you start to prepare drafts of your manuscript. 

  4. Start writing! The hardest part is often just getting started. Once you start writing, don't worry about making it perfect. Just get your thoughts down on paper. You can always edit later.

  5. Work with a publisher who doesn’t charge you any fees for their services. KeyPoint Press is a specialized publisher that is unique in the industry. We don’t charge authors any upfront fees for our services. Our services include coaching you through the manuscript preparation process. You are not writing for us; you are writing to share your ideas with the world and make an impact. You don’t work for us; we work for you. We exist to make you a successful, published author. Period. 

Don’t put it off any longer; start today by contacting KeyPoint Press, and let’s talk about your idea for a book.  Get started.

KeyPoint Press. Publishing Possibilities.


Finding Your Voice as a Writer


How Writing a Book Can Help You Become an Expert in Your Field