Guidelines effective writing: Grammar.

Make sure your work is grammatically correct.

Grammar is the set of rules that govern how words are used in a language. Good grammar is essential for clear and effective writing. There are many resources available to help you with grammar, such as grammar books and online grammar checkers. Do your own research before you start on how you will check your grammar, such as what online tools you will use or what experts you’ll consult to proofread your work.

Intelligent authors use word processing tools to ensure grammar is correct. Grammar errors can make your writing look unprofessional and can make it difficult for your readers to understand your message. Your writing should be clear and to the point. Avoid using unnecessary words or phrases. Get to the point quickly and make sure your message is easy to understand.

Use strong verbs. Strong verbs are verbs that are more vivid and descriptive than weak verbs. For example, instead of saying "The dog ran," you could say "The dog sprinted."

  • Avoid passive voice. As mentioned earlier, passive voice is less direct and engaging than active voice. Whenever possible, use active voice in your writing.

  • Use specific examples to illustrate your points. Specific examples can help your readers to understand your points more clearly. For example, instead of saying "The new car is fast," you could say "The new car can go from 0 to 60 in 4 seconds."

  • Use a variety of sentence structures. Using a variety of sentence structures can make your writing more interesting and engaging. For example, you could start a sentence with a participial phrase, an infinitive phrase, or a prepositional phrase.

  • Proofread your work carefully before submitting it. Proofreading your work can help you to catch any grammar errors or typos.


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Writing with purpose.