How to Get Your Book Noticed

How to Get Your Book Noticed

Congratulations on finishing your book! Now it's time to get it noticed by readers in your target market segment (your audience). Here are a few tips:

  1. Use social media. Social media is a great way to connect with potential readers and build buzz for your book. Share updates about your writing process, post excerpts from your book and receive feedback.

  2. Speak at conferences. Offer to participate as a speaker or panelist at conferences in your field of study or area of expertise. This is a great way to interact with people within your target market. You can also ask for feedback on your work to help you write your next bestseller.

  3. Network with other authors. Get to know other authors in your genre. They can help you promote your book and give you advice on the publishing industry.

  4. Get reviews. Getting positive reviews from readers is essential for getting your book noticed. Ask your friends, family, and fellow authors to read your book and leave a review.

  5. Create a website. Your website is your online home base. It should include information about your book, your bio, and links to where readers can buy your book.

Attention authors: When you work with KeyPoint Press, you receive a free customized website to promote your book.

Here are 3 additional ways KeyPoint Press promotes your book:

  • Blog. Every website we create for our authors will come with a blog. This is a great way to get snippets and chapters of your book before a new audience.

  • Host a webinar. This is a great way to teach readers about your book or your writing process. Many people may want to learn more about you or your topic before they commit to purchase.

  • Work the plan. KeyPoint Press creates a unique marketing plan for your book, tailored to your audience and your subject matter. Once we put this plan into motion, it will help you track your progress and make sure you're reaching your target audience.

Promoting your book takes time and effort, but that’s why KeyPoint Press is here to help get your book noticed by publishers and readers. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.

Contact us today and share your idea for your next book project with us.

KeyPoint Press. Publishing Possibilities.


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