Understanding the Publishing Process

How to get started publishing with KeyPoint Press

  • Every book starts with an idea or a problem. Please share that idea with us so that we can start asking you questions to get that concept on paper. This is a simple process, even just a few sentences, that you can do directly from our website: Share your idea with KeyPoint Press.

  • Invitation to write a proposal: This is a document that outlines your book's concept, market, and competition. You should also include a sample table of contents. At KeyPoint Press, we only accept short proposals, we want to read the main point, understand the “so what” of your work (why should readers take the time to read it?), and how well and succinctly you can communicate your ideas.

  • The Contract: If the publisher is interested in your book, they will offer you a contract. This contract will outline the terms of your agreement with the publisher, such as the royalty rate and the marketing plan.

  • Manuscript completion: Once the contract is signed, you and the editor will work on a timeline to complete your manuscript. You will be expected to meet your commitments to write and deliver copies of your work on key milestone dates. This process can take several months, so be patient!

  • Marketing: Once your book is published, it's important to market it to potential readers. What makes KeyPoint Press different from other publishers is our proactive marketing approach. KeyPoint Press will promote your book through websites, social media, and other channels.

We are looking forward to working with you, contact us today!


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