Attention Authors: Writing with Smart Brevity Increases Sales and Improves Reviews

As a traditional publisher, we know readers value brevity. Books written concisely sell more copies and earn better reviews. If you're writing a book, consider these tips from the excellent guide "Smart Brevity" by Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen (of Axios fame):

  • Prioritize clarity over cleverness. Readers want to easily grasp your core ideas without getting lost in dense text or fancy language.

  • Be ruthless in cutting unnecessary words. Remove extra adjectives, redundant phrases, and filler text that doesn't advance the story or make a point.

  • Use short, direct sentences whenever possible. They deliver information efficiently and make text scannable.

  • Favor simple words over obscure ones. Avoid jargon or unnecessarily complex vocabulary.

  • Break content into short chunks. Use section headings, bullet points, lists, and other formatting to make text digestible.

  • Omit needless background details. Stick to information that directly serves your message.

  • Provide concrete examples. Anecdotes and case studies pack more punch than vague generalities.

  • Skip excessive review of existing research. Cite only the most relevant studies.

  • Don't pad to increase page count. Books should be as long as the topic warrants, no more.

Smart brevity results in books that enlighten and satisfy readers. Your content will not only sell better but earn 5-star reviews. We encourage all of our authors to study and apply the methods in "Smart Brevity." Writing concisely takes skill, but the effort pays off!

What's the Key Point?

The core message we want to emphasize is that brevity is a virtue in writing. Following the smart brevity principles from VandeHei and Allen will help authors craft crisp, focused books that connect with modern readers. Succinct writing not only improves sales and reviews, but shows respect for readers' time.

In today's busy world, people increasingly value efficiency. Applying smart brevity allows authors to deliver their ideas and stories in a way that is concise yet still compelling. The key is to cut ruthlessly while preserving the essence. Skilled writers know what to trim. Take the time to master smart brevity, and your books will be primed for success.

Contact KeyPoint Press so we can discuss your idea for your next book project!

KeyPoint Press. Publishing Possibilities.


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